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  • The Subtle Power of Daily Prayers šŸ¤²

The Subtle Power of Daily Prayers šŸ¤²


Growing up, the ritual of performing the five daily prayers required in Islam often felt like a mechanical chore.

I would go through the motions, reciting the words without truly connecting to their meaning.

I didnā€™t understand the value and importance of prayer.

But as I grew older and continued this practice, something began to shift within me.

Before I share how prayer had an impact on me hereā€™s a Sufi Comic on this topic:

Art by Charbak Dipta

ā€œā€¦Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do." (Quran 29:45)

While we may not always understand how prayer impacts us, the practice of prayer transforms us in ways we cannot imagine.

Iā€™m sharing here some of the ways the daily prayer began to transform my outlook:

Fostering a sense of community:

I vividly remember a moment during a congregational prayer at the Prophet's mosque in Madina when I felt a profound sense of connection to those around me. As I stood shoulder to shoulder with people from all walks of lifeā€”different colors, ages, countries, and economic backgroundsā€”our voices united in supplication, speaking the same language of devotion.

In that moment, I realized that prayer wasn't just a personal act, but a communal one that bonded me to my fellow people, even though I donā€™t know them.

It reminded me that we are all equal before the Almighty.

Aligning actions with faith:

Each prayer served as a reminder to align my actions with my faith. There were times when I was tempted to engage in wrongdoing, but knowing that the prayer time is coming, urged me to reconsider my choices.

Promoting personal growth:

The discipline of waking up early for the morning (Fajr) prayer became a way to adopt a healthier, more structured lifestyle.

It can be so difficult to wake up early in the morning, but committing myself to prayer challenged my desires and taught me the value of self-control and humility.

Prioritizing connection with God:

When the prayer time comes, there's always a tendency to postpone prayer because something seems more "important."

However, I remind myself that the outcome I'm striving for is ultimately in the hands of the God that I'm connecting with through prayer.

Taking the next 10 minutes to speak with God and seek His help and guidance becomes the best thing to do.

In our current culture, where we often prioritize doing things that make us feel good, it can seem counterintuitive to perform our prayers even when we don't feel like it.

The act of saying our prayers daily, regardless of our emotional state, can shape our character and souls in ways that our minds cannot fully comprehend or imagine.

It is through this consistent practice we cultivate discipline, humility, and a deeper connection with God.

Just as physical exercise strengthens our bodies, even when we don't feel like working out, the daily practice of prayer strengthens our spiritual muscles.

It helps us develop resilience, patience, and a greater sense of purpose, which extend far beyond the moments we spend in prayer.

By committing to this practice, we open ourselves up to the subtle, yet powerful, ways in which prayer can mould us into the best versions of ourselves.

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Warm regards,
Mohammed Ali

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